100% naturally


No colorant

No flavoring agents

Red Brush


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The red brush or rhodiola is a perennial herbaceous plant with linear leaves, thin stems, where corymbose inflorescences consisting of 3-5 flowers are formed. The red brush is found only in one place on the planet — the Altai Mountains.

Vitamin composition

The composition of the root of the red brush includes:

  • Essential Oil;
  • Anthraglycosides;
  • Glycoside salidroside;
  • Organic acids;
  • Wax;
  • Sterols;
  • Phenols;
  • Tannins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Vitamin C.


The red brush is used in the treatment of various inflammations. It is recommended for use in infections in the throat, mouth, and skin. Also, the plant normalizes the digestive system, as its components suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Cooking method

Pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with 1 cup of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. Strain. Take 1/4 cup twice a day with meals.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible. With prolonged use, there may be a craving for sleep, a retarded reaction when exposed to external stimuli on the body.

Contraindications to use

It is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypertension, deep depression and severe stress, heart failure, fever, taking hormonal drugs.

Consult a specialist before use.

Weight 0.05 kg
Products are useful for:

Stomach, Increasing the tone

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