Safflower is an annual herbaceous plant with a rather massive stem and fleshy leaves covered with thorns.
Vitamin composition
The composition of safflower fruits includes:
- Glycosides;
- Sodium;
- Potassium;
- Calcium;
- Iron;
- Magnesium;
- Vitamin A, D, B12, B6, C.
Improves blood circulation, is used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system and tumors, is used in the fight against excess weight (has a diuretic and laxative effect). It helps with pain of various types: from menstrual, to pain from bruises, various injuries and even postoperative.
Cooking method
2 teaspoons pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, insist for 1 hour.
Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.
Side effect
Allergic reactions are possible. With prolonged use, it can cause a diuretic effect.
Contraindications to use
Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, hemorrhagic disease, open stomach and duodenal ulcer, menstrual cycle disorders.
Consult a specialist before use.