Lemongrass is a perennial plant of the Bluegrass family. In length, lemongrass usually reaches one and a half meters, while it has a powerful fibrous root system. The shoots of the plant are cylindrical in shape, and the leaves are ribbed and grow alternately.
Vitamin composition
The composition includes:
- Central;
- Geraniol;
- Zinc;
- Iron;
- Calcium;
- Selenium;
- Copper;
- Sodium;
- Phosphorus;
- Potassium;
- Fatty acids.
It has antimicrobial, bactericidal, wound healing, antiseptic and fungicidal effects. The herb normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, is used for gastroenteritis and colitis, headache, rheumatism, treatment of skin diseases, increased sweating.
Cooking method
1-2 tsp. herbs pour 200 ml of hot water, insist for 10-15 minutes, filter.
It is used as a tea.
Side effect
With prolonged use, in some cases, allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, hoarseness of voice are observed.
Contraindications to use
Do not use with individual sensitivity, pregnancy and lactation, allergies, mild excitability, suffering from hypertension.
Consult a specialist before use.